About Dohrman Construction & Preservation
We Build Long-Lasting, Attractive Buildings at a Reasonable Price
Dohrman Construction strives to provide high-quality construction in historic preservation projects and new construction. Recent projects have ranged from restoring historic metal roof shingles on a historic bungalow hit by Hurricane Matthew and to the complete restoration of an ornate 19th century townhouse in the Savannah Historic District.
"I like historic preservation because you’re saving something for future generations. And every preserved structure on a public street benefits all of our citizens in some way. Also, historic preservation is environmentally friendly, which appeals to me since we are facing an existential crisis on that front. And on a professional level I enjoy the engineering, history and problem solving that it takes to make a preservation job go well and to insure that building lasts another hundred years."
-Stewart Dohrman

Stewart Dohrman
Dohrman Construction, Preservation and Consulting LLC
With more than 25 years of experience in construction project management and historic preservation consulting, Stewart has worked on a multitude of projects involving masonry design and inspection, historic preservation building assessments, high-rise and institutional building construction, and historic building restoration and conservation.
As the curator of buildings for the Roundhouse Railroad Museum, Old Fort Jackson, and the Savannah Visitor’s Center, Stewart managed more than $20 million-worth of preservation construction projects, restoring and rehabbing 18 structures that make up the former Central of Georgia Shops Landmark District. The initial focus of the work above was in assessing the conditions of the existing buildings, site and infrastructure. With that done came prioritizing and executing construction plans that took into account, historic building materials, local preservation skills, budget, building sensitivity and time available.
While a Peace Corps volunteer, Stewart designed site plans for a World Heritage Site facility and supervised the construction of staff housing.
Stewart holds a master’s in Historic Preservation from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky.
He and his wife, Mary, have two boys and have lived in Savannah for 20 years.

Susie Bull
Dohrman Construction, Preservation and Consulting LLC
Susie Bull has worked with Dohrman Construction since 2016, assisting in a variety of roles to organize and expedite projects. She holds both a BA and an MS in Historic Preservation, focusing on architectural history and documentation, building methods and materials conservation.
Her experience working within architectural firms previously gives her the ability to be able to see projects through from pre-design through punch listing. Susie moved with her family from New York City to Savannah in 2012.
Awards and Recognition
- 2018 Historic Preservation Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation for 20 W. Taylor Street. The Gray Bogart Residence. Savannah, Georgia.
- 2013 Excellence in Preservation Award given by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation for the Savannah Children’s Museum Exploration Station located in the old Carpentry Shop at the Roundhouse Railroad Museum.
- 2011 Excellence in Restoration Award given by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation for Old Fort Jackson Masonry Restoration, Savannah.
- 2007 Excellence in Rehabilitation Award given by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation for the Central of Georgia Railway Tender Frame Shop. Savannah, Georgia.
- 2006 Historic Preservation Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation for the Tender Frame Shop. Savannah, Georgia.
- 2006 Historic Preservation Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation for the Spring Hill Redoubt Memorial. Savannah, Georgia.
- 2006 Preservation Service Award given by the Georgia Trust for Historic Foundation. This award is given once a year to an organization who demonstrates exemplary activities and promotion of awareness in the field of historic preservation in the State of Georgia.
- 2006 Best of the South: Preserving Southern Architecture Award - This prestigious award is given once a year to only one project in a twelve-state region that preserves a building or complex of buildings in an outstanding manner and that demonstrates excellence in research, technique, and documentation. CHS received top honors at the 2006 annual conference of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (SESAH) for the Preservation of the Roundhouse Railroad Musuem.
- 2006 Historic Preservation Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation for the Overnight Shed and Backshops. Savannah, Georgia.
- 2005 Craftsmanship Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation to CHS Curator of Buildings Stewart Dohrman. This award is given annually to an individual who exemplifies achievement in preservation in the City of Savannah.
- 2005 Historic Preservation Award given by the Historic Savannah Foundation for the Worker’s Garden at the Central of Georgia Roundhouse Site. Savannah, Georgia.